
I Stood Up for Indigenous Rights at Mount Rushmore. Now I'm Facing 17 Years

Title (Dublin Core)

I Stood Up for Indigenous Rights at Mount Rushmore. Now I'm Facing 17 Years

Description (Dublin Core)

On July 4th 2020, United States President Donald Trump held a controversial political rally at Mount Rushmore, South Dakota. The rally was controversial for a number of reasons, the first being that during the height of the covid-19 pandemic – social distancing and mask-wearing policies were not enforced during the rally. The political rally was also held on sacred Indigenous land and what was once part of the Lakota Sioux territory. To many Indigenous and non-Indigenous people alike, this action felt like a slap in the face to Indigenous communicates who are facing disproportionate affects from the covid-19 pandemic. This opinion piece is written by Oglala Lakota citizen, and president and CEO of the NDN Collective, Nick Tilsen who is facing felony charges and up-to-17 years in prison for exercising his first amendment right to protest on the day of the rally.
HST 580

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Opinion article

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This item was submitted on August 30, 2020 by Sarah Peterson using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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