
Watching Netflix Together but Apart

Title (Dublin Core)

Watching Netflix Together but Apart

Description (Dublin Core)

In the months before social distancing due to COVID-19 started in California, my friend and I had been watching our way together through the series Call the Midwife on Netflix. She'd usually come over to my apartment once or twice a week and we'd watch a couple of episodes together. Once COVID-19 became an issue, this was no longer an option, but we still wanted to continue watching Call the Midwife together. Fortunately, we discovered that we could use Netflix Party to watch the show simultaneously on our laptops in our separate homes. Netflix Party also provided a chat box so that we could easily maintain a conversation about the show as we watched. So now, when we want to watch Call the Midwife, I get on my Netflix account, create a link through Netflix Party, text my friend the link, and there we go! As much as I miss being able to watch with my friend in the room with me, it's nice to be able to watch from wherever I want. Like from my bed with my cat rolling around!

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This item was submitted on September 3, 2020 by Shira using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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