Minneapolis set a blaze
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Minneapolis set a blaze
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This is important to me because I feel like the genuine facts of the riots are looked over by Republicans and Democrats alike to sustain their respective narratives. My personal experience with this situation was first hearing the story of George Floyd and his tragic unnecessary Murder. That day I was glued to the news reading story after story. Then, right before I went to bed, I say this image above in video form and didn’t believe what I saw. People were running around in panic while others looted and set fire to buildings whether big construction sites or small businesses. Fear was induced in the people of Minneapolis as well as for me that the same thing would start occurring across the US, which it did. I also feared that fires and looting would begin to occur near my house in downtown Annapolis, but thankfully the only thing that occurred were peaceful protest which were very much so necessary.
Mark Vancleave of the Star Tribune
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A photograph
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Star Tribune
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This item was submitted on September 8, 2020 by Paul Summers using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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