
Covid-19 Through The Eye of A Teen

Title (Dublin Core)

Covid-19 Through The Eye of A Teen

Description (Dublin Core)

My experience with Covid is very weird. My middle school shut down towards the end of my eighth grade year. At first, going to school was weird because the normal school day was cut in half. Also, we now go to school through a laptop that gives you the option to essentially not even be there.(Turning off camera and microphone). To add to the mayhem, the governor of New Jersey issues a statewide stay at home order. Our president also declares a national state of emergency. So, as I am proccesing this, I am not scared of the virus, I am scared for the future and how things will return to any sense or normalcy. And to be completely honest, I don't know if that will happen soon.

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Text Story, I am writing it

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This item was submitted on September 8, 2020 by Evan Brooks using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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