
Jewish Melbourne: Solidarity Seder


Title (Dublin Core)

Jewish Melbourne: Solidarity Seder

Description (Dublin Core)

On Saturday 11 April 2020, a group of Jews from across Australia gathered together on zoom for a 'Solidarity seder'. Organised by people from Here, Queer, and Jewish Australia, Sydney Left Jews, Australian Jewish Democratic Society (AJDS), Fully Automated Luxury Kosher Space Kibbutz and Jews against Fascism, this seder raised money for undocumented migrants as well as Grandmothers Against Removals.
Approximately 60 people gathered together, reading through the haggadah together, sharing a meal, and sharing ideas about what Jewish life and possibility looked like in that moment. Everyone agreed that this was a unique and special Jewish space.

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Type (Dublin Core)

screenshots, haggadah, facebook page

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Publisher (Dublin Core)

Fully Automated Luxury Kosher Space Kibbutz, Australian Jewish Democratic Society (AJDS) and Jews against fascism

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This item was submitted on September 15, 2020 by Jordy Silverstein using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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