
Jewish Melbourne: making masks as a fundraiser for Chevra Hatzolah

Title (Dublin Core)

Jewish Melbourne: making masks as a fundraiser for Chevra Hatzolah

Description (Dublin Core)

This is a facebook post by Chevra Hatzolah, including a photo and the words: "Frances Spanger (known to many of us as "Granny") began making masks at the beginning of COVID-19 for all her friends. She gets up at 5am every morning and works hard making masks for the community. In just one month, she has raised $500 which she decided to donate to Hatzolah. Thank you Frances for the incredible work that you are doing to keep our community safe. We are all very grateful."
facebook post
#hatzolahmelbourne, #cpr, #firstaid, #wheneverysecondcounts, #hatzolahsaveslives, #cprsaveslives, #covid_19, #stopthespread, #helpushelpyou, #beyondthecrisis, #charity, #fundraising, #community, #jewish, #donate, #donations

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Chevra Hatzolah

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This item was submitted on September 23, 2020 by Jordy Silverstein using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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