
Masks, Floor Decals, Mute Buttons: How Schools are Scrambling to Open

Title (Dublin Core)

Masks, Floor Decals, Mute Buttons: How Schools are Scrambling to Open

Description (Dublin Core)

The main point of this news article is to show how teachers and administrators are struggling to adjust to the new lifestyle of having school during a pandemic, while being safe at the same time.

I chose this news article because as a student, it’s important to be aware of what you may have to experience when going back to school. Also, the precautions and safety nets that teachers are taking should be addressed because they’re putting in lots of work for students.

This news article shows that the school lifestyle is going to change drastically for teachers and students due to the new learning spaces, social distancing, and hygiene necessities.

Furthermore, this news article is important because it’s not evident on how long this pandemic may affect our lives, so the public needs to be educated on the situation that we’re going to be put in and may continue to be put in.

There’s no bias evident in the article, however there is a perspective point of view from New York teachers and how they are forced to handle these harsh times.

The responsibility of the media during the COVID-19 pandemic is to spread awareness on how everyone can be kept safe and that we must take extra precautions so we can go back to our daily lives and see students go back to school freely again.

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Type (Dublin Core)

News Article

Link (Bibliographic Ontology)

Source (Dublin Core)

New York Times

Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)

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This item was submitted on October 5, 2020 by [anonymous user] using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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