
マスクがスマート化 スマホと連動し通訳機能も(2020年10月7日) - The mask has become smarter. The interpreter function is also linked with the smartphone (October 7, 2020)

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マスクがスマート化 スマホと連動し通訳機能も(2020年10月7日) - The mask has become smarter. The interpreter function is also linked with the smartphone (October 7, 2020)

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This is a news in Japan, where mask technology is becoming more advance. A mask now can translate multiple languages. I think this mask was developed in order for Japan to open up borders safely and have visitors from different countries.

マスクの進化が止まりません。感染対策に加え、外国語の翻訳ができるマスクが登場しました。気になるその性能は。  音声を認識するスマートマスクが開発されたと聞き、その機能を試しました。まだ開発段階のものですが、自分のマスクのひもを通して一体化。スイッチを入れて専用アプリでスマホと連動させると、話し言葉が文字に。そして、通訳機能も。さらには、同じアプリを共有している場合は相手のスマートフォンに声を届けることも可能です。まさにコロナ禍のイノベーション。今月末まで、クラウドファンィングで1個4378円で応援購入することができます。

The evolution of the mask does not stop. In addition to infection control, now masks can translate foreign languages has been developed. What is the performance you care about?

I heard that a smart mask that recognizes voice was developed, and tried its function. It's still in the development stage, but it's integrated through the string of my mask. When you turn on the switch and link it with your smartphone with the specific app, the spoken words become letters. And an interpreter function as well. Furthermore, if you share the same app, you can have your voice reach the other party's smartphone. This is exactly the innovation during Corona. Until the end of this month, you can buy one by crowdfunding for 4378 yen.

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This item was submitted on October 7, 2020 by Youngbin Noh using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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