
ビジネス帰国の日本人対象 14日間の待機免除で調整(2020年10月8日) – Adjustment of 14-day quarantine period for Japanese returning to business (October 8, 2020)

Title (Dublin Core)

ビジネス帰国の日本人対象 14日間の待機免除で調整(2020年10月8日) – Adjustment of 14-day quarantine period for Japanese returning to business (October 8, 2020)

Description (Dublin Core)

This news is about if the Japanese citizen who have business trips outside of Japan meet certain requirement, the 14-day quarantine will be exempted.



As a method to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus by having a 14-day quarantine period, the government is moving in the direction of exemption of this period for Japanese immigrants returning from business if they meet certain conditions.

The conditions include taking the test when returning to Japan, submission of an action plan for 14 days after returning to Japan, not using public transportation, and limiting the traveling to only between home and work. By exempting the 14-day quarantine period when returning to Japan, which has been a hindrance to business, the aim is to create an easier condition that allows overseas business trips and to bring back the economy. The government will continue to negotiate immigration restrictions with different countries, aiming to ease the requirements for business travels.

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This item was submitted on October 7, 2020 by Youngbin Noh using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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