Time to Slow Down and Reflect
Title (Dublin Core)
Time to Slow Down and Reflect
Description (Dublin Core)
What I have learned the most through COVID 19 is how much hate there is in the world. I am a miniscule piece of this planet and if I can strive and share a positive attitude, I would want that for everyone else. Life isn’t perfect, but we can try to be more respectful, caring, and understanding of others. This time of quarantine has really shown me how much I needed to slow down. Slow down and really reflect and meditate what is truly important to me now, and what is important to me and for my future. The hate that we focus on in our society comes from years and years of hurt and hatred. But it’s time for a change; it’s time for us to learn about each other and get to a point where we can all respectfully understand each other. You can never understand what everyone is going through, but they go through it every single day. It’s important to make sure others aren’t alone, and that healing takes time. The constant grind that we live going to work, being social, going to school, and traveling gets tiresome and the quality time of it all gets drowned by the stress and drama. We can use this time of quarantine to stop and realize what truly is important for our health: mental, physical, and spiritual.
It's a screenshot of text that I found from Instagram that really sat well with me. (Posted by: ThePositiveMinds)
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This item was submitted on October 8, 2020 by Melissa Dela Cruz using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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