
Trump Postpones Stimulus Check until After Election

Title (Dublin Core)

Trump Postpones Stimulus Check until After Election

Description (Dublin Core)

The main point of the news article is to inform those looking for a second stimulus check that it will be pushed back until after the election. I choose this article because it's important to a large number of people because the check is very important to many people’s businesses, families, and other things. It reveals how people struggle financially during this crisis as it can be hard to provide an income. Some bias against Trump, for trying to sway the votes in his favor. I think the media’s responsibility during the pandemic is to inform the public on new occurrences that manifest with the virus. It is also their responsibility to be a watchdog over other media sources and people. If any wrong doing happens it is their job to report on it.

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Publisher (Dublin Core)

Washington Post

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This item was submitted on October 8, 2020 by [anonymous user] using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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