
My Experience of Covid-19

Title (Dublin Core)

My Experience of Covid-19

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Covid-19 has impacted so many people’s lives and routines, including mine. I left my first year of college early to move back home, switched from in person classes to online, was jobless for a few months, was quarantined, etc. This year, I have felt nothing but drained and tired. Similarly, to man in the photo, I have no source of energy. I am struggling with online classing, struggling with time management, and struggling with being stuck in one place for so long. I am a social butterfly who enjoys hanging out with her friends, being on campus and experiencing life. However, everything has changed due the pandemic. Everywhere I go, I must always make sure I am being careful and taking extra precautions. I must go to work, wear a mask all day and interact with people, despite how worried I am about my safety. I am aware that everyone is struggling and that my experience so far can relate to many others.
This is an image of a man who is completely drained of energy, and a clear representation of me.

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This item was submitted on October 11, 2020 by [anonymous user] using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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