Life of a Homeshcooler
Title (Dublin Core)
Life of a Homeshcooler
Description (Dublin Core)
- In times of covid I am not as social in person but have switched my social online with friends playing games and D&D through, discord, zoom and text.
-Before covid I had a schedule of when I went to classes, co-ops and saw my friends. Social is now more erratic because everyone is home and schedules are so varied. This makes it hard to talk to friends. So now I have to adapt more to others schedules in order to spend time online with friends.
-Because of the way we socialize I spend more time than normal online.
-My homeschool life however has not changed that much, probably do more academics than before. I have been taking multiple online class over the years so when covid happened things didn’t change that much for me academically.
-Another positive is that my personal library has expanded because getting to the library and picking out books is limited since they aren’t open and only allow curbside pick up.
-Got more chickens, since we are home all the time.
-Since I don’t leave the house very often, I have been able to get more schoolwork done.
-Since I am home more, I have more time for hobbies and have taken up learning blacksmithing.
-Before covid I had a schedule of when I went to classes, co-ops and saw my friends. Social is now more erratic because everyone is home and schedules are so varied. This makes it hard to talk to friends. So now I have to adapt more to others schedules in order to spend time online with friends.
-Because of the way we socialize I spend more time than normal online.
-My homeschool life however has not changed that much, probably do more academics than before. I have been taking multiple online class over the years so when covid happened things didn’t change that much for me academically.
-Another positive is that my personal library has expanded because getting to the library and picking out books is limited since they aren’t open and only allow curbside pick up.
-Got more chickens, since we are home all the time.
-Since I don’t leave the house very often, I have been able to get more schoolwork done.
-Since I am home more, I have more time for hobbies and have taken up learning blacksmithing.
Date (Dublin Core)
Type (Dublin Core)
text story
Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
Home & Family Life
Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)
Contributor's Tags (a true folksonomy) (Friend of a Friend)
Collection (Dublin Core)
Date Submitted (Dublin Core)
Date Modified (Dublin Core)
Date Created (Dublin Core)
Item sets
This item was submitted on October 12, 2020 by [anonymous user] using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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