Time to Watch Calcio
Title (Dublin Core)
Time to Watch Calcio
Description (Dublin Core)
I'm not one to watch sports, but I do love futbol, or calcio as my favorite Italians call it. During the pandemic, as professional sports have been cancelled, and then gradually brought back in, my husband and I added ESPN+ to our streaming in order to watch SERIE A finish the 2020 season (albeit late) and then recently start again. Doing so has brought a sort of life to our home lockdown. We both love hearing the sounds of the games in the background and cheering on our favorite teams. New this year as a result of the pandemic are the club's choices as to how (or if) they add in dubbed sound, and getting used to that has been interesting. Some might filter in synthetic crowd noises (which hasn't been as bad as I would have thought). Where there has not been any sound, the feel of the game is definitely not the same, however now it is interesting to follow the players and coaches' communication firsthand. My link shares an article in which a few of the team members from my favorite team, Parmia Calcio, were recently diagnosed with COVID and what occurred following.
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Zee News
Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
Health & Wellness
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This item was submitted on October 14, 2020 by [anonymous user] using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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