
The Magic Golden Pothos

Title (Dublin Core)

The Magic Golden Pothos

Description (Dublin Core)

This is a Golden Pothos. It is one of many that I have in my home. This Pothos, though, is unique because I propagated and replanted it all during quarantine. Way back in March, I snipped a leaf off one of my other Pothos. Dropped it in a glass of water and waited for it to begin to sprout roots. Nothing incredible or out of the ordinary about this Pothos from all the other Pothos. But, I created this Pothos. I watered it, made sure it got enough, but not too much sun. I patiently sat by and watched this small little plant grow, undisturbed by the outside world. This small common little houseplant has, in essence, helped to keep me grounded during these challenging, unpredictable times. Every week as I watered my Pothos, I would be reminded that although so much has changed in everyone's daily lives and continues to change at an unfathomable rate, certain things will continue to be undisturbed. My little Pothos being one of them. By holding on to this way of thinking that there are things that are within my control that will move forward regardless of the outside world, I continue to find hope in today and, more importantly, tomorrow. There is no denying that this event has shaken every institution worldwide, doing irreparable damage to an untold amount of lives, families, cultures that will never be forgotten. But, there is always hope when there is life. I feel like these times a breeding ground for nihilistic thought, which can be very destructive. So, I have this daily reminder, through my Pothos, that there is still hope. Cheesy, I know. But, sometimes cheesy works (I know cheesy again)

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A photograph. I took this myself inside my home, where I have been quarantining.

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This item was submitted on October 16, 2020 by Chris Piane using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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