
Making the Best of Covid

Title (Dublin Core)

Making the Best of Covid

Description (Dublin Core)

Like everyone, at the beginning of the pandemic I was terrified. I didn't know what the future held. I had just started a new job substitute teaching and all of a sudden, the schools were shut down and I was out of necessary work. Thankfully, I worked another job that afforded me the ability to continue making somewhat of a living, although savings would ultimately get me through about 7 months of the pandemic. Cooped up at home, I had nothing but time to think, reflect, work through my own demons, and ultimately to find myself again. I finally had nothing but time-- the one commodity we all complain we never have enough of. I got to take care of my physical, emotional and mental wellbeing again, spend time with my horses and dog, finish crocheting a few afghans that I had tucked away for months because I simply didn't have time. I got my photography business off the ground and finally went out to photograph places that I loved but never felt I had enough time to drive to. I found a better version of myself--a happier, stronger, braver and fearless, take no prisoners kind of woman through all the time on my hands. I treated myself to a photography trip to Alaska in September, which turned out to be the final step in self discovery. I needed to spread my wings on a solo trip to one of the most beautiful places in the world to find that final missing piece. I can confidently say that I think I found the place I will call home next. This pandemic has been transformative in so many ways. It is still possible to respect the virus for what it is without sacrificing our own mental and financial health.
It is easy to seep into the perils associated with the pandemic. Between the online bickering of political parties, the looming election, the vaxxers and the anti-vaxxers, the maskers and the anti-maskers-- what everyone has failed to take advantage of, is time. I wish people took a step back to re-evaluate their sense of self through all of this. I wish people took time to look at all the opportunity and blessings that the confusing time of the pandemic has provided us. I wish people took time to be grateful for the things they have and not disparaged by the things that they do not.
I choose a positive perspective on an otherwise horrible period in our lives. I choose to make the best of covid.

Photo: Matanuska River Bridge, Palmer AK, 2020.
Taken by: Jordyn Clutter (Hot Mess Pony Express)

Arizona State University, HST 485.

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Photo and Text Story. The photo is property myself: Hot Mess Pony Express

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This item was submitted on October 16, 2020 by Jordyn Clutter using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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