「コロナで収入途絶え」自殺目的で放火か 4人死傷(2020年10月17日)- "The drop in income due to Corona" Suicidal arson 4 people killed/injured (October 17, 2020)
Title (Dublin Core)
「コロナで収入途絶え」自殺目的で放火か 4人死傷(2020年10月17日)- "The drop in income due to Corona" Suicidal arson 4 people killed/injured (October 17, 2020)
Description (Dublin Core)
Personally, when I watched this news, I felt like a lot of people can relate to this man. He felt depressed most likely due to loss of income from COVID-19, and just could not handle the reality. However, he did kill and injure people during his suicidal arson, which is of course wrong. What is worse is that he is alive while he involved other people.
「コロナで収入が途絶え死を意識した」ということです。 おとといの夜、東京・北区の木造アパートの自室に灯油をまき、ライターで火を付けたとして、放火の疑いで逮捕された自称・金田一淳悦容疑者が、調べに対し「新型コロナで収入が途絶え、自殺したくて火を付けた」と供述していることがわかりました。 この火事で、2階に住む小野豊さんが死亡したほか男女3人がケガをしています
"I considered of killing myself because my income was cut off in Corona." On the night two days, a self-proclaimed Kazuyoshi Kaneda, who was arrested on suspicion of arson for sprinkling kerosene in his room in a wooden apartment in Kita-ku, Tokyo and igniting it with a lighter, the investigation found that he stated, "Income is gone due the new Corona. I lit a fire because I wanted to commit himself".
The fire killed Yutaka Ono, who lives on the second floor, and injured three men and women.
「コロナで収入が途絶え死を意識した」ということです。 おとといの夜、東京・北区の木造アパートの自室に灯油をまき、ライターで火を付けたとして、放火の疑いで逮捕された自称・金田一淳悦容疑者が、調べに対し「新型コロナで収入が途絶え、自殺したくて火を付けた」と供述していることがわかりました。 この火事で、2階に住む小野豊さんが死亡したほか男女3人がケガをしています
"I considered of killing myself because my income was cut off in Corona." On the night two days, a self-proclaimed Kazuyoshi Kaneda, who was arrested on suspicion of arson for sprinkling kerosene in his room in a wooden apartment in Kita-ku, Tokyo and igniting it with a lighter, the investigation found that he stated, "Income is gone due the new Corona. I lit a fire because I wanted to commit himself".
The fire killed Yutaka Ono, who lives on the second floor, and injured three men and women.
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This item was submitted on October 19, 2020 by Youngbin Noh using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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