
Zoom Meeting/Saint Jerome writing, 2020

Title (Dublin Core)

Zoom Meeting/Saint Jerome writing, 2020

Description (Dublin Core)

Covid has changed everything and some professions have been more affected than others. For the arts, it has been very weird. First, due to the closure of galleries and events, an artist had the opportunity to create without interruptions, but the codependency of the artist with the art institutions is too strong. The painting was made by my husband, Diego Perez. He is a local artist in Arizona. At the beginning of the quarantine in March, he was so productive but after a few months, the creative process was affected by the lack of social interaction, exhibitions, call for artists, public art opportunities. He started to paint portraits, people with masks, but nothing was worth it because there was no space to exhibit or to sell. Online events weren't the same, ultimately, our virtual interaction is not enough for anyone. The painting "Zoom meeting/Saint Jerome Writing" represents the first approach to art normality, at least for my family. Carmody Foundation opened a call for artists in August and Diego was selected. The painting is a hagiography for Saint Jerome but in a pandemic mode, you will be able to see the important elements such as the skull, the red fabric, the writing...

Date (Dublin Core)

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Type (Dublin Core)

Painting by Diego Perez, Oil on Canvas. I found it on Facebook:

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This item was submitted on October 20, 2020 by [anonymous user] using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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