
コロナ拡大後初クルーズ船商業運航“GoTo”対象も(2020年10月26日) - First cruise ship commercial operation "GoTo" Travel Campaign after the spread of coronavirus(October 26, 2020)

Title (Dublin Core)

コロナ拡大後初クルーズ船商業運航“GoTo”対象も(2020年10月26日) - First cruise ship commercial operation "GoTo" Travel Campaign after the spread of coronavirus(October 26, 2020)

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Personally, when I saw this news, I was very confused at the fact that they would start a cruise ship after all the incidents that happened on the cruise earlier this year, where cluster of infection happened. Even though bringing back the economy is important, starting a cruise ship where if an infection happens, others cannot run away and avoid infection.

25日にチャータークルーズ「にっぽん丸」が愛媛県の新居浜港を出港しました。クルーズ船の商業運航は新型コロナの感染拡大後、初めてです。  にっぽん丸は日本で3番目の大きさを誇る豪華客船です。今回のクルーズツアーは2泊3日の予定で、GoToトラベルキャンペーンの対象となっています。四国を中心に乗客約190人が参加しました。  乗客:「うれしいです。ずっと待っていたので再開を」  今回のクルーズツアーは乗船客へのPCR検査、サーモグラフィー検温など、徹底した感染対策を講じたうえでの運航となっています。にっぽん丸は26日、長崎県佐世保港に到着する予定です。

On the 25th, the charter cruise "Nippon Maru" departed from Niihama Port in Ehime Prefecture. This is the first commercial cruise ship operation since the spread of the new coronavirus.

Nippon Maru is the third largest luxury liner in Japan. This cruise tour is scheduled for 2 nights and 3 days and is covered by the GoTo Travel Campaign. About 190 passengers participated, mainly from the Shikoku area.

Passenger: "I'm happy. I've been waiting for a long time to restart."
This cruise tour is operated after thorough infection countermeasures such as PCR inspection for passengers and thermography temperature measurement. Nippon Maru is scheduled to arrive at Sasebo Port in Nagasaki Prefecture on the 26th.

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This item was submitted on October 28, 2020 by Youngbin Noh using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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