
コロナでメガネ需要急増 展示会に99万円の高級品も(2020年10月28日) - Rapid increase in demand for eyeglasses in Corona 990,000 yen luxury goods at the exhibition (October 28, 2020)

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コロナでメガネ需要急増 展示会に99万円の高級品も(2020年10月28日) - Rapid increase in demand for eyeglasses in Corona 990,000 yen luxury goods at the exhibition (October 28, 2020)

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大型イベントの休止が相次ぐなか、日本最大級のファッションの展示会が開催されました。  独創的な眼鏡・・・お値段なんと99万円。縁は金でできています。さらに、眼科などで使う検眼をイメージして作った眼鏡です。そんなユニークな眼鏡が展示されているのは、27日から始まった日本最大級の眼鏡の展示会。眼鏡市場はコロナで需要が高まっているといいます。  そうなると、話題に上がるのが「コロナ対策に役立つ眼鏡」です。ゴーグルにもなる眼鏡です。掛けても隙間ができず、ぴったりフィット。飛沫(ひまつ)対策になるといいます。さらに、眼鏡型のフェースシールドも。ポリカーボネートと呼ばれる素材を使用。耐久性は抜群だといいます。  ところ変わって、眼鏡展示会のお隣では国内最大級のファッションの展示会が行われていました。今回、初めてコロナ感染対策コーナーを新設。ファッションの展示会というだけあって、おしゃれなマスクが至る所に。機能だけでなく、ファッション性も兼ね備えたマスクに注目が集まっているようです。

Japan's largest fashion exhibition was held while a series of suspensions of large-scale events.

Unique eyeglasses ... The price is 990,000 yen. The rim is made of gold. In addition, these glasses are made with the idea coming from optometry used in ophthalmology. Such unique eyeglasses are exhibited at Japan's largest eyeglass exhibition that started on the 27th. The eyeglass market is said to be in high demand in Corona.
In that case, the topic of discussion was "glasses that are useful for corona countermeasures." These glasses can also be used as goggles. There is no gap even when hung, and it fits perfectly. It is said to be a measure against droplets (himatsu). There is also a face shield that is combined with glasses. It uses a material called polycarbonate. It is said to have excellent durability.
By the way, next to the eyeglass exhibition, one of the largest fashion exhibitions in Japan was held. This time, for the first time, a corona infection control corner was newly established. As it is a fashion exhibition, fashionable masks are everywhere. It seems that attention is focused on masks that are not only functional but also fashionable.

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This item was submitted on October 28, 2020 by Youngbin Noh using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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