Governor Bergum adjusts COVID-19 risk level for North Dakota counties
Title (Dublin Core)
Governor Bergum adjusts COVID-19 risk level for North Dakota counties
Description (Dublin Core)
In the early stages of the pandemic, North Dakota shut down like every other state. However, during reopening over the summer, safety protocols, such as masks, were not state mandated, only recommended. This has led us to being the state with the highest cases of COVID in the U.S. right now. During Governor Burgum’s press briefing on October 29, 2020 he adjusted the COVID-19 risk levels for various counties in North Dakota, bumping nearly half of the counties in the state into high risk categories and a quarter of the rest into moderate risk. Governor Bergum is still not pushing for a mandate on wearing masks in public areas, only recommending it.
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Images found on the North Dakota Department of Health Twitter page.
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Social Media (including Memes)
Government State
Clothing & Accessories
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Rural Voices
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This item was submitted on October 30, 2020 by Darian Mingace using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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