NCAA Football May Be back
Title (Dublin Core)
NCAA Football May Be back
Description (Dublin Core)
During the reopening phase, many schools were deciding on if there would be a college football season, after many of the professional sports seemed to be ok in starting. Baseball started out with a few games that were cancelled but would travel, and test players. The NBA had figured a way to play in a “bubble” where the players would stay on Disney resort and play each other and be regularly tested. But the NCAA had yet to figure out it’s procedure for College Football. Trevor Lawrence the star QB at Clemson wanted to play and let his voice, as well as other be known that they hoped to have the chance to have a season, and through playing many of these players would have a better chance of avoiding COVID-19 at school versus where they would normally be if no football or school happened.
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Contributor's Tags (a true folksonomy) (Friend of a Friend)
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This item was submitted on October 30, 2020 by Marco Craige using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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