
Teaching during a pandemic

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Teaching during a pandemic

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As we know we are in a time of having to adapt to a situation we were never prepared for and things are changing rapidly. One thing in particular that has been ongoing for a while now is teaching in America. As we have been adapting to most things that has been happening in the world one of the hardest things that has happened is for the working family to have to find a way to make sure their children are being monitored while they are doing school through the computer. A much needed thing for most families is the time they have to do their work while their kids are at work. Having to adapt to something like that has been hard for most families in America. Having a friend who happens to be a teacher in this time i had the opportunity to aske her how she was dealing with having to teach from home. Listening to how hard it is to try and get kids to pay attention to the things she is trying to teach is the hardest part to her. Imagine trying to get teenage kids who are at home to try and listen to you while you are trying to make sure they are getting the correct materials to move forward in their academic careers. She says that it is her most challenging year yet and that she has not been this stressed from her job ever. After having this conversation with her it made the appreciation i have for teachers that much more great. We need to celebrate these people who have chosen to become teachers to our kids.

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This item was submitted on October 30, 2020 by Javier Mercado using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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