
Parenting During a pandemic

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Parenting During a pandemic

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During this pandemic nobody knew what was going to happen with anything including the school system. What some people fail to realize is that most homes have both parents working to provide for their family. Well what happens when a pandemic hits? Everyone was unsure of what they were supposed to do. Nobody knew whether or not they were going to lose their job or if they were going to be able to provide for their family. one thing i noticed that should have had more light shed on the subject was parents teaching their kids during a pandemic. Homeschooling was never on anyones list of things they were going to have to do. I focus on the families that have both parents as the people bringing in money. When the pandemic hit and everyone was able to transition working at home the parents that had the kids going to school suffered the most. Not only do they have to work at home but they now have to find time to make sure their kids a re being taught there school work. I could not imagine being a parent in this time and having to juggle a job teaching kids and making sure food is prepared and everyone is happy. I noticed that this made a lot people appreciate kids as well. Stay strong! what teachers have to go through on a daily basis. I appreciate all you working parents that are being forced to teach their

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This item was submitted on October 30, 2020 by Javier Mercado using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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