
Rizin 24 Behind the Scenes Photos

Title (Dublin Core)

Rizin 24 Behind the Scenes Photos

Description (Dublin Core)

Watching this event I found it interesting to see all of the masks that were being worn by staff and around the ring contrasting with the fighter not wearing one. I was also surprised that there were so many people in the crowd. This tweet and the photos it includes show that even in Japan, masks are strictly being worn in some capacity.
This was originally a tweet by @sera_desu with pictures by @MegaMeguCat

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This is a twitter post by @sera_desu. It shows some behind the scene photos taken by @MegaMeguCat from the commentator’s desk.

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This item was submitted on October 30, 2020 by Dakota Carpenter using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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