
Jewish Melbourne: A shabbat message from CSG

Title (Dublin Core)

Jewish Melbourne: A shabbat message from CSG

Description (Dublin Core)

CSG posted on facebook for Shabbat, encouraging people to keep connected at this during this time of lockdown and physical disconnection: "These times of isolation, both physical and social, and uncertainty are when it is most important that we strengthen our sense of community by connecting with and supporting each other. Remind ourselves that we can manage this much better together in solidarity and that COVID-19 doesn’t discriminate – it can affect anyone. This weekend, take time to connect with others. Wishing you a Shabbat Shalom."

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facebook post

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This item was submitted on November 3, 2020 by Jordy Silverstein using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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