
London to Boston

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London to Boston

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Last summer, in the beginning of the pandemic, I was planning on going to London my first semester of college. A group of students from Northeastern University and I would spend out first semester of college experiencing the city of London and getting to know each other. Because of the pandemic these plans drastically changed. I am now here in Boston for my first semester, not London. This image was taken by me at the Charles River and to me it represents resiliency. My peers and I as well as Northeastern demonstrated resilience by making the best out of a bad situation. Yes, we couldn't go to London. Instead we got to come here to Boston, a place I found to be amazing. The photo shows Bostons beauty from my perspective and represents how I am happy to be here, despite the circumstances. To me it illustrates the importance of resiliency in times like these.

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This item was submitted on November 5, 2020 by Tess Loven using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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