
The Balcony: My Families Sanctuary


Title (Dublin Core)

The Balcony: My Families Sanctuary

Description (Dublin Core)

During the first, and most unknown parts of the pandemic, my family and I were in a small apartment in Miami. There was less information about the pandemic, so we weren't really leaving the house for anything, and our only access to the outside world was a small balcony. We had never really used the balcony, or the apartment for that matter, but it was a safe place where we could regain our sanity at the end of the day, together. Whether this was my mom and I reading our books, or my entire family watching the sunset, listening to music, and talking, we could not have made it through those first few months of the pandemic without this outside space.

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This item was submitted on November 12, 2020 by Charlotte Dinsmore using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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