
Reflection on going to campus

Title (Dublin Core)

Reflection on going to campus

Description (Dublin Core)

I have been a majority online student this fall semester. The one exception to this is my occasional attendance to my Art class about zines. Every time I came, campus felt dead, the only exceptions being the library and classroom. I began to wear glasses with side shields for a little extra protection in class, but everyone was well over six feet away from each other. I'm not surprised there hasn't been major outbreaks on campus due to how empty and deserted everything is. Besides seeing people occasionally not wearing masks while walking outside, everyone seems to wear one and wear them properly. I avoid taking the light rail and buses, even though they have not been collecting fares for a while now. I haven't tried on campus food beyond the POD market for some snacks. I hope that the current situation can continue in the next spring semester, even after a possible vaccine release.

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This item was submitted on November 20, 2020 by [anonymous user] using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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