Re-entry of foreign nationals with the status of residence
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Re-entry of foreign nationals with the status of residence
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From November 1st of 2020, foreign residents who have valid residency in Japan who currently are outside finally can come into Japan just like normal citizens. Before this regulation, foreign residents such as permanent residence holders had to get this “the Letter of Confirmation of Submitting Required Documentation for Re-entry into Japan” or “Receipt for Request of Re-entry” from the closest Japanese embassy. On the other hand, Japanese citizen just need to come in with a valid negative result. This applied to me, where I could not go back because that would mean I had to go to LA’s Japanese embassy to get the form, and then go back to Japan. Now, I could go back to japan, if I have a “certificate of negative result”. However, I opened the file, and it turns out I would need a signature from a medical institution and a doctor. All students from ASU can get free test from ASU, but it is not a medical institution. This means I would have to go to other places that can give me this signature, which is not that easy for me.
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This item was submitted on November 25, 2020 by Youngbin Noh using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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