
都内の新型コロナ感染者は401人 重症者は54人に(2020年11月25日) - 401 people infected with the new coronavirus in Tokyo, 54 people with severe symptoms (November 25, 2020)

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都内の新型コロナ感染者は401人 重症者は54人に(2020年11月25日) - 401 people infected with the new coronavirus in Tokyo, 54 people with severe symptoms (November 25, 2020)

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The capital and my home town, Tokyo, has started to have increased number of COVID-19 cases. It is because Japan is doing this GO TO travel campaign and trying to live as if COVID-19 is not happening. From my perspective, they are focusing more on the economy and trying to make Japan look as if it is fine for the Olympics, rather than focusing on the actual citizen’s health.

東京都は25日、新型コロナウイルスの新規感染者が401人確認され、重症者が54人になったと発表しました。重症者の数は2日連続で緊急事態宣言解除後の過去最多を更新しました。  都内の重症者数は前日よりも3人増えて54人となりました。2日連続で緊急事態宣言解除後の過去最多を更新したことになります。また、80代から90代の男女3人の死亡も確認されました。重症者の急増などを受けて都は島しょ部を除き、お酒を提供する飲食店などに対して午後10時までの営業時間の短縮を要請することを決めました。期間は28日からの20日間としています。

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government announced on the 25th that 401 new cases of coronavirus infection were confirmed and 54 people were seriously ill. The number of seriously ill people reached a record high for the second consecutive day after the state of emergency was lifted.

The number of seriously ill people in Tokyo increased by 3 from the previous day to 54. This is the second consecutive day that we have updated the record high since the state of emergency was lifted. In addition, three men and women in their 80s and 90s were confirmed dead. Due to the rapid increase in the number of seriously ill people, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government has decided to request restaurants that serve alcohol to shorten its business hours by 10 pm, except for the restaurants in the islands (that are still in Tokyo province). The period is from 28th of this month to 20th of December.

Video translated by Youngbin Noh

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