
COVID hospitals

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COVID hospitals

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Throughout this pandemic, I understood the importance of wearing your mask, staying isolated and social distanced to help protect yourself and others. I hadn't been directly affected by COVID besides my work and school closing, but my health was great and I didn't need to worry about my safety regarding COVID. My mom on the other hand, was considered high risk. Being a cancer survivor, and having other medial issues stemming from surgeries and treatments, I did what I could to protect her. In October of 2020, she was admitted into MAYO Clinic ICU for surgery complications. I flew up the next day, and had to say goodbye with my dad. It was the hardest thing I've gone though in my almost 20 years of life. My mom was my rock, and the COVID precautions, although necessary and I understood them, made me angry. While saying goodbye, I had to put on what seemed like a hazmat suit. I had to wear a gown, gloves, mask, and face shield so that I could safely be by my moms side in her final hours. I am all for protecting everyone around me, and I understood the precations, but I was angry, not at the hospital or the nurses or doctors, but at the reality of the world. Due to COVID, I can't imagine the vast amount of people who aren't even allowed to be with their family members, and I am so eternaly grateful I was able to be with my mom, but I'm allowed to be angry, and I haven't let myself accept that yet. For now, I'll be working through my days one day at a time, and working through trying to not feel guilty that I was able to be with my mom when so many others weren't. I miss her everyday.

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This item was submitted on November 29, 2020 by Kathryn Edwards using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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