The year things changes
Title (Dublin Core)
The year things changes
Description (Dublin Core)
before covid my life was pretty normal i drove to school and work. i was usually a person who was somewhat athletic but not completely. but assoon as covid hit i started to realizes a change. this change was in my travel habits. i used to drive to places with other or be with crowedroom of people but due to covid i had to rethink my ways of tranportation. and that is where biking became a new hobby and mode of transportation. with biking i was able to keep my distance and not be near people in large groups. as i picked up biking i discover i was having more fun and was a lot happier. biking suddenly gave me the chance to see the would in a slower view and i could focus more on that. with al the horrible thing happening this year i was able to escape it almost by biking and at the same time be safe. biking gave me a new view of the would and a new mind set of taking thing slower not rushing. now i biking nearly every where I go and I enjoy it and it has giving me a new activity to due during covid.
Date (Dublin Core)
Type (Dublin Core)
text story
Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
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Item sets
This item was submitted on November 30, 2020 by [anonymous user] using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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