
Quarantine Paintings

Title (Dublin Core)

Quarantine Paintings

Description (Dublin Core)

I decided to upload a picture of some of the paintings that I’ve made over the quarantine. When COVID-19 first started and we all went into quarantine I wondered what I was going to do during all my free time. I love to paint and I almost never had time to dedicate and do it. But now with all of this free time I had no excuse put to getting crafty and painting. As you can tell from this photograph there are a variety of paintings that I made. Some are pretty backgrounds with song lyrics/songs. My favorite one that I painted was the sunset sky with clouds. I also have a couple Disney paintings as well. It was also a huge help to get distracted and get my mind off of everything that was going on in the world. It was also very relaxing. These paintings are just some of the many things that I made during the quarantine. I also started to do embroidery as well as make Mickey ears and many many other crafts. It’s very important to me because it’s one of the ways that I was able to express myself during this weird tough time. I’m very thankful that I was able to find a creative outlet. I was also able to take some time for myself. Painting was my quiet relaxing time. From getting to choose colors, mixing, choosing what to paint. Just the whole process in itself made me feel a little bit better. I remember when quarantine first started that the stores were all running out of paint and canvases so I’m guessing I’m not the only one who came up with the idea of painting during this time. I’m glad people were also able to find outlets and time to relax and just paint.

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Type (Dublin Core)

Photograph of Paintings

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This item was submitted on December 1, 2020 by [anonymous user] using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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