
The Covid-19 Pandemic

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The Covid-19 Pandemic

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When the Covid-19 pandemic hit America in March of 2020, all of us were caught off guard and unaware of how long this would last. Today we have adjusted our way of living with the promise that things would go back to how they used to be but with no promise date. Being honest, i don't think life will ever return to the way things were before this pandemic, but that could have positive effects potentially. Surface level things like wearing a mask on public transportation and to doctors offices and such, but also deeper things like the public movement for young people to be conscious of the effects their actions have and a need to protect our elderly. My story was that of a high school senior, graduating during a pandemic, and now a college freshman at Northeastern University still trying to learn while a pandemic is going on. Not to mention I live in a hotel instead of a dorm, making my freshman year housing the best housing I'll have during my whole college career. There have been many adjustments that is just part of the social norm now, like me freaking out when i forget my mask in my room; a mask being just as important as having my phone and my wallet. Getting tested every three days is now not only normal, but expected and upheld by the students. Even with all these precautions taken by the university and myself, I currently am positive for Covid-19. It's been an experience to say the least, and I was not one of those fortunate patients to have no symptoms partly because I do have asthma. Yet through this the Northeastern Wellness department has done an amazing job of making sure I was connected to a doctor and safely isolating as well as quickly contact tracing everyone. I'm currently recovering and still able to do my work thats thankfully online as well as in person, but I could easily switch to remote learning.

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This item was submitted on December 2, 2020 by Nicole Groussis using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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