
TikTok Saving Millions from Boredom During the Pandemic

Title (Dublin Core)

TikTok Saving Millions from Boredom During the Pandemic

Description (Dublin Core)

I chose this because I think it was actually really significant during the pandemic, and also just in 2020. TikTok is an app where people create 60 second videos, it can be dancing, making food, doing pranks, whatever you want. TikTok started becoming popular in 2019, but it really blew up in March when we were all stuck inside. I know from myself, I spend endless hours on TikTok, so did the rest of my family, even my parents. I haven’t met anyone who didn’t go on TikTok, or at least see TikToks online during lockdown, it was everywhere. I think this is significant to the pandemic and 2020, because it was how most of us kept busy, around the world. We were all watching the same videos, doing the same dancing trends, cooking the famous food for that week, etc. TikTok now has 850 million users.

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Phone application

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This item was submitted on December 10, 2020 by Sydney Joseph using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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