
My introduction to Covid

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My introduction to Covid

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My day began like any other, I got up at 6:30 on a beautiful morning. I got up and grabbed my glasses off my desk. Then I went to the bathroom and dropped off my retainer. After that I went downstairs and ate some scrambled eggs and prepared my backpack and made my water. We left the house, my mom and I, at 7:40 like usual and arrived at Oaks Christian Middle School at 7:50. I said goodbye to my mom and walked to the cafeteria. There were my friends waiting for me playing games on their phones. When it was time to go to class at 8:00 I ran to my locker number 7068, on the upper floor, I opened it up. Inside were my binders and books lined up just how I had left them on Friday. I grabbed my math binder and my pencil pouch and I was off to class. It was a normal class we were going over the lesson like usual. When I got out of class I quickly grabbed my things from my locker and ran straight for the Bible room, I made it. We talked about how Jesus loves us and wrote down words in our journals and were assigned a little homework just like math. Then I went to break. I went to the usual spot with my friends the Gaga pit which is my favorite thing to play at recess. I won a couple games as did my other friends. When the recess bell called us in I was off to English. As fast as I could I grabbed a mountain of books from my locker and dashed for the room. The lesson was the same we started out with a little grammar and then moved into a little vocabulary and then had a writing section. By that time I could tell that something was going on, but I thought nothing of it a moved on. I went to my next class, rocketry which I really enjoyed we were making some cool model rockets and testing them out. That helped me stop thinking about the awkward looks on people's faces. It was after that class that I noticed that hand sanitizer machines had been put up, and lots of people were using them. I moved on to history. We were talking about awesome and successful civilizations. After that I went to lunch and got a burger like usual. I went and played Gaga with my friends again and when the bell rang. I ran upstairs and got my stuff. Then I went to science where it all changed. In the beginning of class I overheard someone talking about something spreading and everyone seemed distracted throughout the period. At the end of class it got t me and I asked what was up. He said there is a disease going around and China and it is spreading to Italy, and the rest of the world. I smiled and thought no way I finished my last class which was Spanish and finished a little work in academic help but what that kid said was still in the back of my mind. The bell rang and I went down to the lunch room to see my friends and hangout. I went home wondering what had happened and went to bed. A few weeks later I went to math class and our teacher looked sad she told us that the school was moving to online and that we would have to do it from home. I was pumped I get to wake up later and watch T.V the second that I get out of school. That same day my Dad and I went out to find some supplies. Their was none. The shelves had been wiped clean of all wipes, paper towels, toilet paper, pasta, canned food, masks, eggs, rice, and milk, even all the meat was gone. People went insane. At the time my family still wasn't wearing masks even though everyone in the store had them on. We went to home depot to get some supplies to finish a project on the house and all of the gloves and masks and hand sanitizer was gone. So we went home. We weren't affected too much because right before we heard about this we had filled up on toilet paper and paper towels which was a stroke of luck. And as the days go on I haven't been bothered by this and am still happy to be out of school but hopeful that we can go back soon.

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This item was submitted on December 11, 2020 by Ian Matthies using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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