
Tweet from Amy Morrin Bello - State Representative in the 28th District.

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Tweet from Amy Morrin Bello - State Representative in the 28th District.

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This tweet is referring to an incident that occurred when the Wethersfield Historical Society put out a Facebook message about how a Black Lives Matter poster was taken down from their building by a town employee, and how they are an apolitical institution. They mentioned they kept the poster for their own archives, however the backlash came at their wording about being ‘political’ and how Black Lives Matter isn’t a political movement, it is a human rights issue. This item is really interesting, as the historical society is preserving the poster to fill archival silences, and keep a record of current events, however, they are faced with backlash from people who believe that they are not being ethical due to them trying to hide the exposing of human rights violations, which is one of the roles in being an ethical archivist.

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This item was submitted on December 16, 2020 by Thomas Roberts using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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