
COVID-19 one year ago and now

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COVID-19 one year ago and now

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When Covid was new, no one really knew much about it. When it came out they were a lot of rumors talking about how dangerous the virus was. Also talking about how the virus was created. The biggest rumor was that a man in china decided that he would eat a bat and because of that he got covid from eating the bat, then he spread it to a lot of people, this is how it was said covid was spread all around the world. When is started I didn't really think about it that much, I felt like people were over exaggerating it (and I still do). I honestly wasn't sure if the virus was even real and it may have been a hoax. Now that we have had covid for about a year these are my thoughts about it. I am honestly not sure how the virus was created, people say it was still from china, other people say it was created in a lab by the government so it's hard to say what is truth and what is false. I understand that for people that have underlying conditions this virus can be deadly but I honestly think and flu or cold can be deadly in various levels. I do think it is good to wear a mask and to say social distance for peoples protections but I do feel like shutting down economy was something that wasn't needed as it has closed down many restaurants and stores, etc. Those are my thoughts about covid one year ago and my thoughts about covid now.

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This item was submitted on January 12, 2021 by Max Pierangeli using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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