
Civid 19 Home School Learning

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Civid 19 Home School Learning

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My experiences with virtually learning was good. First I would wake up at 7. Then I would take a shower and eat. After I ate, I would take my dog for a quick walk and come back home to start school. School wasn't that hard at home, or on zoom. One benefit of zoom school would be that once you done with class early you get extra time to relax. But at school you would still having to stay in class and do work. One obstacle of my remote learning was having to do engineering at home. The problem with that is that I didn't have some of the materials so I had to get created. But having to get creating taught me to improvise which kind of did help. So thats my experience with online learning.

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This item was submitted on January 15, 2021 by Sebastien Ajemian using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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