
Pandemic Hacks: CGP Grey and Spaceship You

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Pandemic Hacks: CGP Grey and Spaceship You

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I found this self-help video from one of my favorite historians, GCP Grey, and I found it particularly helpful...and true...and helpful when he was right about the core of Spaceship Me failing from time-to-time.

Just as Grey describes in the video, keeping the four prescribed areas of my life in order has been a perpetual and impossible challenge, with a major part of that being because most of my personal focus since March 2020 has been my academic life and success. In that time, I've taken 40 credit hours (6 in my graduate program) in 14 months with a 4.2 GPA. That much success certainly demands the other areas of my life have suffered. To that end, It's time to stop typing and go be a husband, son, and brother for a few hours. Maybe even get a workout in before resuming this academic affair with my digital mistress. Oh, the delays, ciao for now.

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This item was submitted on January 16, 2021 by James Rayroux using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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