
The Situations

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The Situations

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A large procedures that I had to follow was social distancing and waring a mask. Social distancing was at first very hard for me to follow. I am a very social person and talking to people is what keeps me sane. Having to stay away from people for me was like taking a lollipop from a baby. It was very difficult. A way I found to talk to people and still follow the procedure was doing FaceTime calls. Another procedure that was very tough for me at first was wearing a mask. For the first couple of months It was so irritating to tho point where I would wake up with my face itchy. Eventually though it has became second nature to me. Overall life throws situation at you and it all about how you handle them. I have found the best way for me is to tackle them head first.

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This item was submitted on January 19, 2021 by Sam Samara using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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