
Rules and Procedures

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Rules and Procedures

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There have been many rules and procedures we have needed to follow during this COVID journey. From wearing masks to staying in our houses, they haven't been the most convenient, but they have been able to keep us safe (for the most part), and that is what counts. Today, I am going to write about my experience when I had COVID. I was the only person in my family who tested positive, and that meant I had to self quarantine. It was one of the worst times of my life, but it made me realize how much I had taken for granted. I was locked in my room for 7 days straight, and I could only come out to go to the bathroom or retrieve my food. It was a painstaking schedule. All I did was wake up, eat, do school, eat, go to bed. I thought it was never going to end, for those 7 days felt like 7 years. It was really weird to have my parents bring food to my room; I was so used to eating at the dining table and recounting my days' stories with my family. It was really hard and I felt very lonely not being able to see my family for that long. When the 7 days were up, I was aloud out of my room, but my parents were still cautious. They made me wear a mask when I wasn't eating and made me kind of social distance. It was maddening that I was finally free, but I was still contained, but I now realize that this was the best thing for their safety. Because of my experience, I have learned that the rules and procedures that are set in place by the government are there for our safety, and I will never take them for granted again.

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This item was submitted on January 19, 2021 by Joella Denove using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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