
What happens when the virus isn't a mystery anymore.

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What happens when the virus isn't a mystery anymore.

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Several months into Covid and the virus was still really a mystery to me. I had heard stories and new the facts about Covid, but I hadn't experienced it or knew anyone who had. However, that changed when someone I knew had tested positive for covid. During a school activity, I had been right next to them, I could have got Covid as well! However, I didn't show any symptoms and was fine even after a few weeks. Even though I had to quartine for a while I was fine. However, it showed me that Covid was no joke and I became more aware of the virus and really how quickly it can spread.

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This item was submitted on January 21, 2021 by Parker Andrew Doble using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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