
My friend tested positive

Title (Dublin Core)

My friend tested positive

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When I heard my friend and her parents tested positive, I was freaking out. I was planning to hang out with her soon and if another friend hadn't told me, that would've been very bad. She was actually going to come to school and I was thinking if she would, I wouldn't be near her. But thankfully, she "changed her mind." I don't want to get exposed to covid even though it doesn't have a big affect on me. I have parents working in the medical field and it would make me feel so guilty. Since June, I've been hanging around with one specific girl and only sometimes we add this other one. I just always have an eerie feeling in public places now. And a guilty one when I think about it too much. I always try and be responsible and take others in account.

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text story

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This item was submitted on January 22, 2021 by [anonymous user] using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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