Corona friend
Title (Dublin Core)
Corona friend
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Corona for me, has not affected my life much at all, but I do have a friend who's dad got corona. It affected me by me not being able to hang out with that friend. They did this just to make sure there was no risk of it spreading. Even though no one was really sick we wanted to make sure we could stay in school. The friend's father was completely fine and the rest of his family tested negative. I also had another friend that tested positive but had no symptoms and never got sick. These two cases are the only ones that have affected my life, but they didn't affect it a lot. I was only not allowed to hang out with them because of their parents, mine were completely fine with it because they know the virus is not going to kill anyone.
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Type (Dublin Core)
text story
Controlled Vocabulary (Dublin Core)
Health & Wellness
Curator's Tags (Omeka Classic)
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This item was submitted on January 22, 2021 by Sammy Pacich using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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