
Modded Plants VS Zombies Videogame

Title (Dublin Core)

Modded Plants VS Zombies Videogame

Description (Dublin Core)

During the boring consequences of the COVID VIRUS (having to be shut in and take classes online) I would play video games (as I would expect is customary during these times). This particular video game is "Plants VS Zombies", for specifically it is "Plants VS Zombies Plus" a modded Chinese version of the former. The mod makes the video game unfairly difficult. This particular level is impossible. Plants which you can plant fall down in random intervals from the rain and you place them where you see fit. The issue is that this level is four times longer than in the regular version. The zombies in this version are much more difficult- such as the door screen zombie, who is now immune to fume-shrooms bypassing his door. Throughout the level, graves appear, making where you can place plants limited. Sometimes these graves destroy the plants themselves. The level is impossible. I have tried repeatedly but the artificial difficulty is just to much. Still fun though. (If this really is to be seen in future generations I would humbly ask that one read my book Malcorpus. At this moment it is at the works.)

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