Covid Statistics
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Covid Statistics
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There has been 25.3 million recorded cases in total in the US. There has probably been more just they didn't get tested and were feeling fine. 421 thousand of those people have died. These numbers are huge and these are just from the US. When we look at the entire world there has been 99.9 million cases. Only 55.2 million recovered fully. There has also been 2.15 million deaths. That means that currently there are 42.65 million people worldwide with covid, a quarter of which are close to death, and some are probably already dead. In California alone there have been 3.21 million cases reported and 37,999 dead. So many people are dying and getting this disease and we don't have enough room in hospitals to help everyone who needs it. Some hospitals have created space for patients outside in their parking lot and thats still not enough. I personally find it crazy how people can look at these statistics and say that covid is a hoax and not wear a mask. Not only is wearing a mask protecting others but it is also protecting yourself. Most hospitals have had to turn into covid centers just to take care of people who have covid. Most of the patients end up dying. At this point everyone knows at least one person who has gotten covid and probably a few people who have died. If this isn't a sign of how bad covid is getting then I don't know what is. It is hard to look out at the world and see what a mess it has become. In the end I don't know if we will ever recover fully but as long as we try to stop covid as soon as possible we still have a chance of returning to the way it was.
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This item was submitted on January 26, 2021 by Layla White using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:
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