
Plan A Reopening Schools and Rights

Title (Dublin Core)

Plan A Reopening Schools and Rights

Description (Dublin Core)

This document from North Carolina Association of Educators is explaining the legal facts that educators have in my state when it comes to opening schools fully under Plan A. This document shows what legal protections we have and don't have as a state employee and how COVID-19 is viewed as a public health issue. It is important to note that as of right now most school districts in my state are not on Plan A which is 100% open but instead are either on Plan B or Plan C. Plan B is partially open/ online and Plan C is strictly online. Our governor is encouraging our schools to reopen and is opening more vaccine sites as teachers are next in line for the vaccine. This is important to document because every state is doing so many different things and people's rights vary from state to state.

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This item was submitted on February 7, 2021 by Robert Baker-Nicholas using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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