
celebrities during the holiday season

Title (Dublin Core)

celebrities during the holiday season

Description (Dublin Core)

This is a instagram post made by Hailey Bieber, who is Justin Bieber's wife. This post shows them somewhere tropical on a vacation and you can see the date is December 9th. While they may not have been traveling exactly on Christmas, this post shows that they were traveling during the holiday season during a pandemic. Nowhere does it address them being tested for covid or being covid safe, you can only hope and assume they are taking cautions. This post makes me wonder how many other celebrities are traveling and having fun but not posting about it because of the backlash they would get, and deserve. I found this post important because you always here about these huge celebrities preaching to us on how important it is to stay home and wear a mask, but then you see them traveling to these beautiful islands and all these nice places because “we have a private jet” or “ we rented out our own private resort” so they justify traveling because they have the money to do so and ‘be safe’ while doing it. In my opinion it is very hypocritical on their part. Meanwhile the majority of the world is still stuck in their homes during the holidays not able to see their families or really give gifts to one another. This post is important to show the other side of the pandemic, the rich people side. I suppose the rich and famous are immune to covid? Who knows.

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This item was submitted on February 7, 2021 by Joan Church using the form “Share Your Story” on the site “A Journal of the Plague Year”:

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